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Somos el Cambio

They work to promote entrepreneurship and social participation in children, youth, and adults. They transform communities by instilling a change in people's attitudes, motivating them to carry out social impact projects through their methodology.


Enseña por México

A diverse and inclusive movement committed to reducing educational inequality so that talented children and young people with limited resources can reach their full potential throughout their lives.


Fundación Únete - Únete

(Union of Entrepreneurs for Technology in Education, A.C.)

Helps teachers and institutions incorporate digital tools into their classrooms, provides training, and offers new knowledge to share with their students. With this, educational standards are raised, and the digital divide is reduced, primarily in marginalized communities and areas.


Unidad Educativa Alejo Peralta

Educational institution that has been supporting the Pastejé community for over 40 years, but none of this would be possible without the philosophy of its founder: Alejo Peralta y Díaz Ceballos. The educational mission, after so many years, remains the same: To provide comprehensive education to children and young people in the Mazahua region at no cost. To give young people an educational and employment incentive so that they do not migrate from their communities.

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