In a Mexico where democracy has been our constant for over 90 years, it seems that optimism is no longer enough. In the times when the PRI governed, many wanted a change; now, some even find themselves missing that era. Today, under the current regime, politics seems synonymous with trampling on rights and values. Recent events demonstrate this time and again.
As much as we want to be positive, the outlook is bleak. What happened on Tuesday, September 10, left many Mexicans sleepless. A senator from the Movimiento Ciudadano party was kidnapped so that Morena could obtain the qualified majority needed to approve judicial reform. This is not just a blow to democracy, but to the future of generations.

This week, in our episode of "WHAT'S NEXT?", we have a special guest who has lived through Mexican politics since her childhood. Her words are striking: "They are kidnapping the future of generations."
I invite you to listen to this episode where we reflect on the present and work together to build a viable future for Mexico. Because, even though it may seem dark, there will always be light at the end of the tunnel.
Don't miss it!